We help you with innovative products for medical care and wound treatment 

Antibiotica-free and with a broad spectrum of action (antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral).

Long-lasting protection and easy to use.

Based on dermatological skin and wound care proven in humans with MicroSilver BG™.

Mit MicroSilver BG™, wertvollen pflanzlichen Ölen und Extrakten, Zink, Panthenol und bewährten, medizinisch erprobten und reizarmen Wirkstoffen aus der Natur entwickeln wir gut verträgliche und wirksame Produkte für das Wohlbefinden Ihrer Patienten. Sie unterstützen auf schonende Weise die natürlichen Abwehrkräfte der Haut, erleichtern die Behandlung, wirken nachhaltig und stellen eine echte Alternative zu Antibiotika dar.

VetInnovations products are tested in scientific studies and application observations for their good tolerability and safe efficacy.

+++ Die nächste Messe ist nach Corona in … +++ Ab dem 30. Mai 2022 neu auf dem Markt: Fellpflege +++

Effective as intended

Broad spectrum
Silberionen wirken unspezifisch durch Bindung an Schwefelverbindungen und inaktivieren so kritische Eiweiß-Strukturen von Keimen, wodurch deren Wachstum unterbunden wird. Dadurch helfen unsere Produkte gegen ein breites Erregerspektrum – auch gregen Pilze (Malassezien) und Viren. 

Long and constant
Our products soothe irritated skin, reduce redness and help restore a natural skin appearance while strengthening the skin barrier. This also protects the skin against infestation with unwanted germs.

Works where it should

Anders als die viel kleineren Nanosilberpartikel penetriert MicroSilver BG™ die Haut nicht. Die Silberionen verbleiben auf der Haut und im Fell, ohne in tiefere Hautpartien einzudringen. Sie wirken über einen langen Zeitraum genau dort, wo sie gebraucht werden.

Works naturally

Ingredients from nature
Our products are made from natural ingredients. We relied on well-tolerated, vegetable oils and extracts, zinc panthenol and other high-quality active ingredients that make a valuable contribution to regeneration and care. MicroSilver BGTM has a purity level of over 99.9%.

Effective in a targeted way and in combination

Coordinated solutions
With intelligent two-component solutions, we have developed coordinated and well-tolerated care systems that take acute applications and lasting effects into account. This way, you not only help your patients quickly, but also permanently.

Solutions for different applications
Abhängig von der Schwere und dem Heilungsfortschritt sind bei medizinischen Problem unterschiedliche Behandlungsansätze erforderlich. Mit unserem Produktportfolio – das wir stetig erweitern – bieten wir Ihnen passgenaue Lösungen, um auf die jeweiligen Befürfnisse Ihrer Patienten einzugehen.

Works without
ifs and buts

Harmless principle
Antibiotikafreie Produkte leisten einen wertvollen Beitrag im Kampf gegen die Verbreitung multiresistenter Keime. Breite Resistenzen gegen Antibiotika haben die WHO bereits dazu veranlasst, vom Beginn eines postantibiotischen Zeitalters zu sprechen.

No side effects
Our products are characterised by very good tolerability ("Tested on humans") and are also suitable for allergy sufferers. The oral intake of MicroSilver BG™ is harmless, as the material is quickly disposed of via the gastrointestinal tract.

Works scientifically proven

Tried and tested
All our products are tested for their efficacy and tolerability according to strict criteria in elaborate studies and have convinced in practical application. MicroSilver BG™ is already successfully used in human medicine - in dermatology (acne, neurodermatitis, rosacea, athlete's foot), oral hygiene (toothpaste, mouth spray and rinse) and in the treatment of wounds (diabetes, chronic and acute wound treatment).

Auris (No. 1 und No. 2)

Our combination for sustainable dermatological ear care

Contaminated ears cause itching in dogs and cats and eventually lead to persistent infections. Our system of ear rinse for cleaning the ear canal in case of ear infection or for preventive cleaning as well as ear care concentrate to support the treatment of otitis externa combines quickly visible effects with long-lasting care. The irritated skin calms down and its inflammatory status is reduced. Our care system has shown impressive results in studies and is already used by veterinarians worldwide with great success.

We have compiled detailed information for you in our data sheet.

Cutis (No. 1 bis No. 3)

Our dermatological skin care system to strengthen the natural skin barrier

Eczema-prone skin often has a damaged skin barrier. This makes it easier for germs to penetrate the skin and cause inflammation. We have developed the Cutis Skin Care System to reduce unwanted germs, strengthen the skin barrier, reduce redness, prevent inflammation, soothe the skin and normalise skin texture. It is specially adapted to the needs of dogs and cats and can also be used on sensitive and allergy-prone animals.

We have compiled detailed information for you in our data sheet.

Vulnus No. 1 bis No. 6

Our intelligent wound care system for uncomplicated, situation-appropriate care

In recent years, wound healing disorders in small animals have increased immensely. The causes are manifold. Of particular importance are the tense resistance situation of infectious germs and the increase in mixed infections in wounds. MicroSilver BG™ is already successfully used in human medicine to support wound healing. We have used this experience to develop a comprehensive care system for veterinary purposes.

We have compiled detailed information for you in our data sheet.

Dental Gel Dens No. 1

Our convincing answer to all major oral hygiene problems in dogs and cats.

Dental problems are not only cosmetically disturbing and the cause of bad breath, but also a serious health problem. Countless germs cavort in the mouth cavity. They can lead to inflammation of the gums, the gum bed and the periodontium (periodontosis) and, under certain circumstances, can also reach organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys. Dens No.1 is based on mangosteen extract, clove oil and MicroSilver BG™, which is characterised by its high remanence on dental plaque. It remains there for hours and reduces germ growth. Human studies have shown that even after 14 hours, 20-40% of the initially bound silver particles were still bound to the plaque.

We have compiled detailed information for you in our data sheet.

Why MircoSilverBG is worth its weight in gold in your practice!

Our products are based on MicroSilver BG™. It is manufactured in Germany in a unique physical process developed by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The high quality and special suitability for care and wound treatment is defined by:

The structure

The patented manufacturing process provides a sponge-like structure. It promotes the unique, long-lasting effect.

The size

With an average particle size of 10μm, MikroSilver BG™ does not penetrate into deeper skin layers and unfolds its effect where it is needed.

The purity

The basic material is elemental silver with a purity of > 99.97 %. It is therefore a natural product.

Degradation of life-sustaining
functions through inhibition
of trans-membrane transportproteins

Inactivation of
intracellular enzymes

Schädigung der bakteriellen DNA Bakterien
können sich nicht vermehren

Silver has several mechanisms of action

Silver ions bind to negatively charged areas of proteins. These proteins are essential for the life-sustaining functions of the cells. By inactivating these life-sustaining functions, the metabolism breaks down and the bacterial cells die.


Ja, sie wurden speziell als Unterstützung für Tierärzten zur Lösung häufiger Probleme in der Praxis entwickelt und sollten durch Experten empfohlen werden, um eine zielführende Anwendung zu gewährleisten. Die Produkte sind in Deutschland und Österreich über den exklusiven Partner Covetrus erhältlich.
Da die VetInnovations Produkte nebenwirkungsarm und einfach in der Anwendung sind, können diese nach tierärztlicher Empfehlung auch vom Tierbesitzern zu Hause angewandt werden. Einige Produkte werden aber sicher ausschließlich in der Tierarztpraxis Verwendung finden, wie z. B. Vulnus No. 6 zur Füllung von Wundhöhlen (Abszess), während sich z. B. Vulnus No. 1 auch für die Hausapotheke zur Erstversorgung kleinerer Wunden eignet.
Auf Grund der durchschnittlichen Partikelgröße von 10 μm kann das Mircosilber BG nicht vom Körper aufgenommen werden. Daher ist die orale Aufnahme von MicroSilver BG™ unbedenklich. Das Material wird über den Magen-Darm-Trakt rasch entsorgt.
Der vollständige Verzicht auf Antibiotika ist nicht möglich, da VetInnovations Produkte für einen lokalen Effekt von außen entwickelt wurden. Eine systemische antibiotische Wirkung ist nicht gegeben. Bestrebungen, den Einsatz von Antibiotika zu reduzieren, werden in vielen Fällen aber sehr gut unterstützt.
All products are designed to have a shelf life of several years and, depending on the regulatory requirements, are either marked with an expiry date or a note indicating the shelf life after first opening.
Each production batch is continuously tested by internal QM (quality management) and/or external laboratories according to ISO certification guidelines.
Thanks to their special structure, the silver particles remain on the skin and in the coat without penetrating into deeper parts of the skin. The MicroSilver BG™ forms a sustainable reservoir for the supply of silver ions, which are continuously released at the point of application. This depot effect means that many VetInnovations products only need to be applied every 2-3 days, which significantly increases pet owner compliance.
Our MicroSilver BG™ developed by Bio-Gate AG is produced from 99.97% pure silver in a physical process. It is a highly porous powder with an average particle size of 10µm. This means that the particles are approx. 1000x larger than the silver solutions and silver zeolites often used (keyword: nano-silver). As a result, MicroSilver BG™ is too large to penetrate deep epidermal layers or to accumulate in the body. Due to its "hooks", the particles "attach" themselves to the skin and thus enable a depot effect.